Christmas Bags Mission Project

During the months of October and November we are collecting toiletries and warm men's boot socks for the annual Christmas Bag Mission Project. Drop your donations off at the church on Sundays or during the week between 9am and 4pm. The items needed: travel-size shaving cream (3 oz), travel-size shampoo (3 oz), travel-size deodorant, travel-size toothpaste, small combs, chapstick, disposable razors, and bars of soap. Items can be found at good prices at Target, The Dollar Store, or online at Amazon. We could also use some candy canes to add an additional holiday touch to the socks. Join others on Sunday, November 26 after the 9:30 service in the parish hall to sort the items and fill the bags. All are encouraged to lend a hand. Thank you for your generous support!