Please consider how you might give of your time, your talent, and your treasure to participate in God's mission through St. James's. Below are answers to some of the questions you might have when considering your pledge.
What is a pledge?
A pledge is a faith commitment that St. James’s asks each person or household to make, to indicate how much money you will give over the coming year to support the church, so we have the resources needed to respond to God’s call for this community. Your pledge, pledges from other parishioners, and other income sources constitute the resources St. James's has available in the coming year to spend on ministries that make a positive impact on people’s lives, including worship, music, education programs for all ages, outreach, pastoral care, maintaining our building and grounds, and administration.
Why should I pledge?
Pledges benefit both you and St. James’s. When you plan ahead for your giving, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways that reflect your faith and values. You give out of gratitude and joy in being part of this church community, and a desire to support the church’s ministries. Pledging also allows you to incorporate your church contributions into your financial planning for the coming year. Receiving your pledge allows our vestry to set a budget for the year ahead. We don’t want to spend more money than we have, so we rely on parishioners to state up front how much they will give. Without a clear and realistic budget, we cannot make plans to sustain and grow programs and ministries, which limits the church’s ability to meet the needs of the congregation and community.
Read the testimonials from parishioners at St. James's:
- Jerrod Bowman on what St. James's means to his family.
- Bill Thompson on Mission and Outreach.
- Ellen Dollar's reflection on the Spirituality of pledging.
How do I make a pledge?
You may fill out a paper pledge card (they are mailed), or you may pledge online on our web site at Return your completed paper pledge card to the church office or drop it in the collection plate at a Sunday service. Or you may bring your completed card to church for the Stewardship Brunch on November 3, 2024. We ask that all pledge cards and online pledges be submitted on or before November 3, so we can move ahead with the budget process for 2025.
How do I pay my pledge?
You may pay weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually via cash, check, or electronic fund transfer (EFT), such as through your bank’s online bill pay system. You may pay your pledge online, and set up recurring payments if you wish. If you expect to pay weekly by check or cash, we can supply you with envelopes dated for each Sunday of the year, which you can use to mail payments or put them in the offering plate. Envelopes are particularly helpful if you plan to pay your pledge in cash, as envelopes are numbered to match them to a particular giver. The pledge card has a check box where you can indicate if you want to receive envelopes. You may also pay your pledge with a donation of stock; please contact the Rev. Bob Hooper, rector, before initiating stock transfer if you are interested in this option. Many companies have matching funds for charitable donations. If your company has such a plan, please share with us any paperwork we need to complete to get a matching gift.
Please note that for pledge payments to appear on your year-end giving statement that you’ll use for your tax return, we need to receive payments at least several days before December 31.
How much should I pledge?
Given the variety of financial situations and church commitments among our parishioners, each household’s pledge amount is up to them. Pledges of any amount are welcome and that every pledge supports our ministries. Determining the amount of your annual pledge is between you and God. As you make this important decision, reflecting on your vision of stewardship may be beneficial.
Some people prefer to pledge based on a dollar amount they believe is appropriate, while others are committed to proportional giving—giving a percentage of your income. For example, someone might commit to give 2% of their income, which is equivalent to pledging the first hour’s pay of a 40-hour work week, or to tithe, which is giving 10% of your income. Some people commit to raising their pledge each year by a certain percentage.
What if I make a pledge but find I can’t pay it in full?
A pledge is a good-faith commitment to enable church budgeting; it is not a legal obligation. Please don’t let your uncertainty prevent you from making a pledge. You may adjust your pledge at any time by contacting the church office or the rector. Your pledge amount and any changes you make are confidential, shared only with certain staff members and lay leaders with direct responsibility for stewardship and finances.
Your pledge matters!
What matters most is that you pledge! We ask that you pledge even if the amount is not as much as you’d like it to be. Every pledge makes a difference, and everyone’s pledge is necessary.
If you have questions about pledging, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our clergy or the parish office.