St. James’s provides meals, non-perishables and vegetables from our community garden to local shelters, warming centers, soup kitchens and the Food Pantry throughout the year. Some of our Feeding Programs are ongoing, like the Blue Grocery Bags, while others occur on a scheduled basis. There are also several fund-raising events held throughout the year to raise money to purchase supplies for both 200 Identical Sandwiches and the Hot Meals casseroles.
- Foodshare food distribution occurs every month as St. James's is the site where those on food assistance programs can pick up perishable and non-perishable foods.
- Hartford Catholic Worker Food Pantry Program is an offshoot of our St. James's Cares initiative in providing meals to families served by the Hartford Catholic Worker in the North End of Hartford. Every two weeks, St. James's is now committed to donating the following food items for distribution to families in the HCW neighborhood: tuna, pasta, sauce, mayo, peanut butter, jelly, soup, and beans. If you would like to help support this important ministry, please send a check to St. James's with "HCW Food Pantry" in the memo, or donate through PayPal on our website and designate the same.
- St. James's Good News Garden provides fresh vegetables to families through our feeding partnership with Hartford Catholic Worker, while allowing the parish to expand our Creation Care ministries in several practical but life-giving ways. The 12-year-old community garden ministry is a flourishing part of St. James’s mission, currently led by 12 parishioners who regularly plant, maintain and harvest crops in raised garden beds. From April through October, the group meets every Wednesday morning during the planting and harvesting months. Volunteers take whatever is harvested to Catholic Worker’s “Green House” in North Hartford, where it is distributed to anyone who is hungry. Learn more about the Episcopal Church's Good News Gardens network.
- 200 Identical Sandwiches provides sandwiches to clients at Loaves & Fishes, several times a month throughout the year. Sandwiches are assembled after either the 8:00 or 9:30 service - -check the bulletin for dates.
- Hot Meals are provided once per month to clients at Loaves & Fishes and the South Park Inn. Activities include assembling tuna casseroles after a designated Sunday service once per month, and delivering the casseroles later that week.
- The Food Wagon holds non-perishable donations in the cloister. Parishioners drop food off throughout the week, and we deliver them to the West Hartford Food Pantry and the Hartford Catholic Worker.
- Easter Flowers are sold on Palm Sunday as a fundraiser for the St. James’s Feeding Program.
- Our flourishing Vegetable Garden (on the east side of the church) overflows with greens, carrots, peas, beans, beets, and other veggies from spring through fall. We deliver the produce weekly to the Hartford Catholic Worker in the city’s North End, where families who don’t have easy access to fresh vegetables can pick them up
- Poinsettias are sold in December as a fundraiser for the St. James’s Feeding Program.
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