The Arbor Society is dedicated to the task of growing the St. James’s Endowment Fund to provide ever greater support and fulfillment of St. James’s Christian mission. It also recognizes persons who have left bequests to the Church in past years or had gifts made in their memory, as well as those who have given, or pledged to give in the future, to the Endowment Fund. All parishioners are encouraged to become members of The Arbor Society by giving, or pledging to give, to the Endowment Fund.
Noteworthy early gifts to the Endowment Fund were made in 1935 and 1947 by Mary and Edith Beach, two sisters who were long time members of St. James’s Church. Over 50 individuals have left bequests to the Fund from their estates or had gifts made in their memory; those who did not want to remain anonymous are listed under the “Memorial Endowments” heading in this report. Other individuals have made, or have pledged to make, gifts to the Fund. Their names are listed under the “Living Memorials” section on the next page.
The most meaningful and fulfilling aspect of all of these gifts is that they continue to work year after year, generating income that can be applied to the annual budget and work of the Church. In recent years, the Endowment Fund has contributed over $125,000 to the operating budget of the Church. Significantly, this support will grow and continue in the years to come. Thus, gifts to the Fund are truly a form of “perpetual stewardship.”
We hope you will consider becoming a member of The Arbor Society of St. James’s Church. Gifts may be made during a parishioner’s lifetime or through some form of planned gift, such as a bequest in the donor’s will, or as a memorial to honor a special friend or relative. Enclosed is a form you can use to make your gift or pledge, or to request more information from the Endowment Committee or the rector. Won’t you “plant a tree?”
“People have made at least a start at understanding the meaning of life when they plant trees under which they know full well they will never sit.”
Adapted from David Elton Trueblood