Families with children of all ages are welcome at St. James! We offer a variety of ways to involve children and youth in our parish life, as well as support families and connect them with each other. Below are links to pages that provide details on how children and their families can get involved at St. James. Regular services are held each Sunday in the chapel at 8:00am and in the church at 9:30am. The 9:30 service is livestreamed for those who are unable to attend.
Children in Worship

At the 9:30 service, children ages 4 and up gather at the back of the Church to process behind their own cross with the choir, clergy, and altar servers. The children proceed to our Parish Hall, where they have their own age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word (readings and teaching time). During the Passing of the Peace, they come back into church to participate in Holy Eucharist (communion) with their families.
If you would prefer to keep your children with you in church at any time, however, you are welcome to do so! Religious-themed coloring materials and crayons are available at both entrances. Parents are also welcome to join their children for the children's liturgy whenever they would like.
In addition, there is nursery care available in the basement of the parish house for children, birth to 3 years old. The caregivers will take your cell phone numbers in case you are needed. You are, however, welcome to keep your babies and toddlers in church with you as well.
Baptism is a sacrament of the Episcopal Church, and St. James's regularly baptizes infants, toddlers, and older children. The Sacraments page provides more information about baptism in the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in having your child baptized at St. James's, please contact us.
Monday Music & More (3Ms)
Led collaboratively by Priscilla Hooper and Michelle Horsley, this program is designed for children ages 3-8 (split unto 3-5y/o’s and 6-8y/o’s), with each group taking turns either learning music through simple songs, circle-singing, and improvisation with Michelle (Children’s Choir) or doing reading, crafts, and discussions with Priscilla. A snack break is included and all children are welcome. The program meets Mondays from 4-5:15pm. For more information or to register your child, contact Priscilla Hooper at: [email protected].