Please scroll to the bottom of this page for the current sacred ministers schedule.

Worship at St. James's is a communal, participatory experience. While there are many people with clearly assigned roles (explained below), the congregation plays a vital role as we pray and sing, listen, and greet one another.

Every Sunday morning our clergy are joined by lay ministers. Together they facilitate a holy time and space where we gather to share in the Word of God and Holy Communion. During the worship service you’ll see the following sacred lay ministers:

Acolytes (usually teens, dressed in red cassocks and white surplices) assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, assisting the clergy at the altar, and many other tasks.

Eucharistic Ministers (wearing black cassocks and white surplices) administer the consecrated elements at a celebration of Holy Eucharist.

Lectors and Intercessors are trained to read the Lessons and Prayers of the People.

Ushers greet parishioners as they enter the church, presenting them with a bulletin for the service and, as necessary, escorting them to a seat. They also collect and present the offering, assist the congregation during communion, and straighten up the nave and narthex after each service.

The Choir and Organist lead the congregation in singing hymns and other music, and also sing psalms, anthems, and other types of service music on their own.

The Altar Guild prepares the altar before worship and puts items (such as the vessels used in communion and the linens covering the altar) away properly after services.

The Healing Team is available in the back of the church during Communion for healing prayer.