Kids for Christ (KFC) meets at 9:30am each Sunday with Priscilla Hooper for Christian Education (Sunday School) throughout the program year (September-June). The children then join their families in the church at the peace. There is no Christian education held on Sundays on holiday weekends, and occasionally on other Sundays when special events or other concerns interfere with the usual schedule. Below is an outline of Christian Education offerings for children during and after services. If you would like more information on how to join in on the children's service, contact Priscilla Hooper.
Preschool Through Fifth Grade: Kids for Christ (KFC)
Before the 9:30 service, children in preschool through elementary school line up behind the small wooden cross in the narthex or join Priscilla Hooper, Director of Family Ministries, in the procession. Each Sunday Priscilla and a parent volunteer lead the children in a lectionary-based Sunday school lesson.
We use a curriculum called An Illustrated Compassion: Learning to Love Like God, created by Adam Walker Cleaveland, Founder & Illustrator. This curriculum uses music, storytelling, and coloring pages to encourage children’s biblical literacy. This 12-unit curriculum emphasizes compassion found in the Bible in three modules: the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, and Living a Life of Compassion.
Supervised Play During Coffee Hour
After a quick snack at coffee hour, the children who would like to, can join a group in the Godly Play room downstairs for supervised play, led by Priscilla. While there, she will go over the Gospel for the day and open it up for discussion with the children.