Easter Letter from the Rector


Easter 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Every year, for millennia, Christians have gathered around the world to celebrate the triumph of love over death. In our tradition, this is done with large gatherings, beautiful music and flowers, inspiring words and the celebration of the Eucharist. This year will have to be different – but no less important or meaningful. In fact, let me suggest that this year’s is the most important Easter celebration in my lifetime. Yes, we are not able to be physically together, but no virus or governor’s wise order to stay home can or will ever separate us from the Love of God and the triumph of love over death. It is when things seem the darkest that the light shines the brightest.

The power of Jesus’s resurrection is the power that binds us to Him and to each other. Whether you find yourself in a small apartment by yourself, a large house filled with others or somewhere else - you are never alone. Like Mary in the garden on that first Easter morning, Jesus knows and reaches out to each of us by name. As Christians we are called to make this love known to the world. In this time of social isolation, let us not be spiritually and emotionally isolated. Connect with your family and friends - call, text, email and video chat. Please remember those who may not have anyone reaching out to them. To share God’s love is to participate in the resurrection.

It is true, this Easter we will not be able to gather. That is the sad, but necessary reality of this moment in time. But this is only a moment. We don’t know when, but someday we will once again gather together, listen to beautiful music, celebrate the Eucharist and feast together on God’s love, but in the meantime let’s stay together through prayer and conversation.

This Easter, St. James’s WILL have a celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. It will be in the form of a video of music, readings, prayers and a sermon. Vaughn (St. James’s organist and choirmaster) and I are in the process of putting something together and will get more information out to you through emails and Facebook. If you do not currently receive regular emails from the church, please email the office at [email protected] and we will add you to the distribution list – let’s stay connected.

If you would like to make an Easter offering/donation you can do so by mailing a check to St. James’s or go on our website www.stjameswh.org and click on the “Contribute” button under “Giving” and then click on “Donate to St. James’s” on the right hand side of the page. In times like these it is important that we have the resources to aid those for whom life is getting harder than it already is. Please be generous if you are able.

Please Never Forget – You are a beloved child of God and you are never alone.

Happy Easter, Blessings, and Stay Safe and Healthy,

Bob +

The Reverend Robert C. Hooper III

The Rev’d Robert C. Hooper III (“Bob,” please) and his wife Priscilla married in 1988 and have three children and two Labrador retrievers, "Lilly" and "Theo." Bob received a B.S. in business/marketing from New England College in 1987 and a M.Div. from Virginia Theological Seminary in 1995. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1996 after seven years in the brokerage and banking industry in New York. He served parishes in both Northern Virginia and suburban Boston before coming to St. James’s in 2002 to serve as rector.