May 11

A Morning Retreat

May 11, 2024 at 9:00 am

Finding Mary Within Martha: Stilling Your Mind While Your Hands Are Busy. Do you find yourself saying, "Yes, I'll develop my spiritual practice further when I have the time?" And further, do you despair of ever "having the time"? This quiet day is for you! A retreat time for women—especially those with young children—are invited Saturday, May 11 for a morning retreat. In addition to opening space for individual silent prayer and meditation, we will have some activities aimed at developing a spiritual practice within busy lives. The day will begin with coffee and fellowship from 9, we will run our activities program from 10-12, and we will end the day with lunch at 12. Childcare will be provided on-site. Lunch will also be provided. Please RSVP to [email protected], including the names and ages of children who will be taking advantage of childcare, and any dietary requirements for all.