Our Mission
To live, learn, and teach the values of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Our Vision
The congregation of St. James's aspires to become a Christian community in which:
- All persons can experience the love of God
- The meaning of life can be examined and life's hard questions confronted
- One can find healing for pain and anguish and guidance in the quest for personal wholeness
- A compelling sense of Christian community embraces all people
- Abundant opportunities exist to establish and deepen relationships
- The door to the larger community is always open
Our Goals
To establish a pattern of radical hospitality which will actively reach out to welcome those seeking meaning for their lives and offer them opportunities for involvement in the life of the parish.
To deepen for all parishioners the meaning of servant leadership presented in the New Testament in order to increase significantly the lay leadership within the parish.
To develop an array of healing ministries within the parish that will enable clergy and laity to care for individuals and families in their times of need.
To open up all parishioners the many levels of meaning of Christian stewardship in order to deepen our sense of gratitude and respect for all creation.